What is Our Anchor Framework?

Our Anchor Framework sets out the actions we will take to improve the lives of those living in the Fylde Coast and working for the Trust.  By taking targeted action in the areas that our communities and partners consider most important we hope to influence the factors that create good health, leading to improved population health and reduced health inequalities.

What is an anchor institution?

Anchor institutions are large public sector organisations rooted in and connected to their local communities. They can improve health through their influence on local social and economic conditions by adapting the way they employ people, purchase goods and services, use buildings and spaces, reduce environmental impact, and work in partnership.

What was Anchoring on the Coast?

Anchoring on the Coast was a project funded by the Health Foundation.  We created a research team with community members and BTH staff and worked together to design (codesign) an anchor framework for Blackpool Teaching Hospitals with the community, staff and partners in other anchor institutions and the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector.

The team collaborated with stakeholders and communities facing multiple disadvantage across Blackpool and the Fylde Coast to understand the challenges faced in these communities and how the Trust can take action to overcome these challenges.

Email us to find out more.

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