Publish date: 8 July 2024

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals is looking for new Governors to play a key role in the Trust and the community it serves.

Governors support and help influence the Trust’s decision-making processes in how it develops and delivers services for the people of Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre, Lancashire and beyond.

James Wilkie, Interim Chair of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals said: “Governors are vital to the success of a Foundation Trust. The role is interesting and rewarding but also requires time and commitment. 

“Governors have a number of statutory responsibilities including; the appointment of the Chair, Non-Executive Directors and External Auditors, and holding the Non-Executive Directors to account.”

The Trust is now inviting interested candidates who want to have their say on how healthcare should be provided for the populations that Blackpool Teaching Hospitals serve.

The vacancies are as follows:

Public Constituency

Number of Vacancies








Staff Constituency

Number of Vacancies

Medical & Dental



Trust Governors are required to be members of the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Membership of the Foundation Trust is free, however interested candidates must be a registered member in order to be able to stand for election and will need to have joined by the close of nominations on Friday, 2 of August 2024.

Nominations opened on Friday, 5 of July 2024 and if you would like to stand for election, please complete a nomination form which is available from:

  • By post: The Returning Officer, c/o: Civica Election Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW
  • Via email at:
  • Online at:
  • By telephone on: 0208 889 9203
  • Or text: 2FT BP and your name and address to 88802.

The election will begin on Tuesday, 27 August 2024.

For further information about being a Public Governor please call the Corporate Governance Team on 01253 951505 or email