Publish date: 2 September 2024

Group of students 2.jpgMore than 50 student nurses have been welcomed to the Trust after completing their training courses.

The nurses joined a special celebration event hosted by the Practice Education team, held when cohorts complete their qualifications and described as a way to ‘celebrate our future’ - as the majority of students finishing their studies secured jobs at the Trust.

The group includes direct entry students and Trainee Nurse Associates. Direct entry students will have started their course through their chosen university and conducted various placements at the Trust – and are now qualified registered nurses – and Trainee Nurse Associates who are employed by the Trust and complete work-based learning with one day of academic study a week.

The newly qualified colleagues will now be supported by the Trust through what is known as a preceptorship programme.

Preceptorship Lead Chelsea Nixon said: “Through a preceptorship programme the Trust will continue to support all our newly qualified colleagues as they begin the first 12 months of their career. This could be in the form of a listening ear, signposting to services or help in overcoming challenges. We look forward to seeing our students progress in their career here in Blackpool.

“The Practice Education Team would like to congratulate all our student nurses and nurse associates who are due to qualify very soon. All our students have shown hard work and dedication and I’d like to extend a thank you to all our existing colleagues that have supported them throughout their university studies.

Group of students 3.jpgLiza Glover, Associate Practice Education Facilitator, added: “It was a lovely event and was well received. The students are always welcome to come by for a chat if they need any support in their new roles”.



Congratulations to the following cohorts who were celebrated at the event:

  • September 2022, TNA course
  • 2022 MSc Nursing - Adult
  • 2022 MSc Nursing - Child
  • 2021 BSc Nursing - Adult
  • 2021 BSc Nursing – Child