Publish date: 29 October 2024
Jasmyn Rimmer, Clinical lead and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist at Blackpool NHS talking
Stress is a common experience that affects all of us, most people have experienced stresses and difficult life events at some point in their lives which can be difficult to manage. However, there are some small, positive actions that we can take, which can result in significant improvements in our mental health and wellbeing.
Here are some simple things that you can do to try and combat stress:
- Being mindful- Rather than focusing on our full minds (Ruminating on the past or worrying about the future), take a moment to notice what is going on around you. Use your senses to help you stay in the present moment- what can you see, hear, smell, taste, touch?
- Focus on the things that you are grateful for- this doesn’t have to be something that we would deem to be a huge success (for example, winning an award) but we can be grateful for getting out of bed today, even when we didn’t feel like it! Try and spend time focusing on the positive actions that you have taken today.
- I know you will probably have heard this one before- but, being physically active! We may or may not move enough at the times, but it certainly can make us feel good afterwards if we have found an exercise/activity that works for us and our bodies. Physical activity releases endorphins which enhance our mood- that’s Science!
- Get creative- Do something you enjoy, a hobby, something that you have always wanted to try but haven’t got round to it. Engaging in different parts of the brain can help to relieve stress.
- Get outdoors and connect with nature- just because the weather isn’t always great doesn’t mean that we should stay indoors. Get wrapped up, go outdoors, explore. Nature can have a calming effect on us and can help to quieten our minds.
- Talk about it! Speak with friends, family, colleagues, maybe strangers? We often assume that others are happy because outwardly that’s how they look but you would be surprised, once you start talking, you probably have more in common with others than you think. Speaking about things can help us to think about things differently, sometimes it can help us to solve problems, it can lighten the load and help us to see new perspective on things- It’s a win win!
If you are specifically looking for new ways to help you to manage stress Blackpool talking therapies have a mastering stress course that is free to sign up to. You are able to sign up to this course yourself via our website: Blackpool Talking Therapies :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals’