Publish date: 17 July 2024

A small and dedicated team who introduced a transformational change across the organisation were this year’s winners of Non-Clinical Team of the Year at the Celebrating Success awards – our annual staff recognition event.  

MedChart team and Janet.jpg

The Medchart Team has worked for almost two years to ensure the safe and efficient deployment of the Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration system across all inpatient wards. 

The nomination highlighted the support this team gives – helping create local protocols, reducing time taken to complete tasks and ensuring consistency and accuracy, which ultimately improves patient safety. 

The team received their Celebrating Success trophy and certificate from Chief Operating Officer Janet Barnsley. 

Craig Tilley, team member and Lead Pharmacist Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration, said: “We are a small part of a huge team that has made MedChart the success that it is, without the digital teams the end users we wouldn’t have been able to do what we do to keep patients safe. Thank you to everyone who has been involved.” 

The runners up for the award were the Medical Records and EDMS teams and the Patient Engagement team. 

More than 400 nominations were received for the Celebrating Success 2024 overall. 

The ceremony was watched online by thousands of colleagues, family and members of the public. Watch the team receiving their award