Checklist for your recovery and follow-up

  • Be aware of signs of health deterioration and how to manage them. Ask your nurse before you leave hospital if you are unsure.
  • If you are admitted regularly to hospital for the same health issue, please ensure you are referred to a specialist service to help you self-manage your condition.
  • Make an appointment with your GP to review your discharge letter and medications list (if needed).
  • Contact your local pharmacist if you need more advice regarding your medications.
  • Ensure you have made a note in your calendar of any follow-up appointments or investigations booked for you.
  • If you have not heard back from the hospital regarding future appointments, contact the relevant department to ensure this is corrected as soon as possible.
  • Ensure that your cannula has been removed.
  • If you have a new catheter on discharge, ensure you have been given a supply of day and night bags and a catheter passport.

If you were living in a care home prior to admission, and your needs are unchanged following your hospital stay, you will return to your care home. The hospital will contact your care home before discharging you to let them know your date of discharge.

You must continue paying for your care home (whether you are self-funding or someone else is paying for your care) whilst you are in hospital. Giving notice to your care home will most likely delay your discharge from hospital, and so is not in your best interests. If you wish to change care home this should be arranged with your current care home once you have been discharged.

If your needs have significantly changed or you are no longer able to immediately return to your own home or care home, the hospital staff and other services will help with the assessment process required to identify a more suitable temporary placement so any longer-term needs can be assessed. You and/or your family will be involved in this process to ensure your voice and preferences are heard.

If your needs have not changed:

• Social Services-funded care support packages will re-start when you are discharged. The hospital will inform your care provider of the date and time you will be back at home.

• Self-funded care packages will re-start once the care agency has been informed of your discharge date. The care agency usually requires at least a few hours’ notice, so we advise that you contact them as soon as you are informed of your discharge date.

What other services are available?

A discharge pathway recommendation will be made by the Transfer of Care team following information gathering and discussions with the ward staff, yourself and your friends/family. If it is identified you require further support on discharge it may be suggested you are supported by one of the following services:

If you are not at your pre-admission functional ability it may be suggested you have some further rehabilitation. This may either be as an inpatient or within your own home.

Bed-based services – Bed-based services provide rehabilitation in community hospitals or care home settings with the support of a multidisciplinary team. These beds are identified for patients who may have higher needs requiring more input. Our local bed-based services include Clifton Hospital, ARC (Assessment and Rehabilitation Centre), Thornton House and Dolphinlee. 

Home-based services – rehabilitation input within your own home (or care home). This may be delivered by Early Supported Discharge (ESD) or our Community Neighbourhood/Enhanced Primary Care teams. They will visit you on discharge from hospital and work towards achieving your goals and regaining your independence.

Adult Community services support and care for patients in the community, maintaining their health, independence and preventing unnecessary hospital admission. Teams of nurses and therapists coordinate care, working with other professions including GPs and social care to keep patients well.

Find out more about community services: Community Services :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

I need practical help in my home such as a smoke alarm fitting or poorly fitting windows or doors checking...

Care and Repair: 

Lancashire Fire and Rescue: 0800 141 2561

I feel isolated and lonely...

Age UK: 0300 303 1234
Silverline: 0800 470 8090

I am worried about my finances...

Citizens Advice: 0808 278 7882

or speak to your local authority/Social Worker

Age UK offer a free, confidential advice line on 0800 678 1602. They are open from 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. 

You can also find out more information on the Age UK website here.


You can request a Home Fire Safety Check from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. To make a referral for yourself, a loved one or to refer a client follow this link: Home Fire Safety Check.

Samaritans are there day or night for anyone who is struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need. 

Call the Samaritans free, day or night, 365 days a year: 116 123.

You can also find out more by visiting the Samaritans' website: Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen


Blackpool Talking Therapies offers a range of free psychological therapies to people aged 16 and over.

They provide the Talking Therapies service for Blackpool and Cleveleys. Additionally, they are able to offer online access to our webinars and courses to residents of Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Find out more here: Blackpool Talking Therapies :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

Following a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in helping you maintain both your physical and mental wellbeing. Even making small changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference. Find out more about maintaining your physical and mental wellbeing here: Self-care │ Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Feeling unwell?

If you start to feel unwell at home, visit our ‘feeling unwell’ resources on the website before travelling back to Blackpool Victoria Hospital. There may be a more suitable alternative, such as accessing your local pharmacy, GP surgery, walk-in centre or NHS 111. You can find information about all our services including their contact details in our A–Z of services: Services :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

Keep in touch:

For enquiries about hospital appointments, contact the relevant department directly. The number will be on your appointment letter or card.​​​​​​​

Find out how to get in touch here: Get in touch :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.