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We provide a wide range of community–based health services for adults across Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre and beyond supporting health and wellbeing promotion, minor ailments and serious or long-term conditions. 

Our community staff include community nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and many more. We also work closely with GPs, local authorities, voluntary organisations and other healthcare providers. 

We provide care in your own home and other community settings including nursing homes, health clinics and GP surgeries to make sure you get healthcare locally, which is coordinated and meets your needs.

Here are some of the services you may be put in contact with to either prevent a hospital admission or to support you after a hospital stay: 

The Rapid Response service has been working in the community since 2014 supporting people with acute needs to remain at home, preventing hospital admissions and facilitating early hospital discharges for patients aged over 18 registered with a Blackpool, Fylde or Wyre GP.

The Rapid Response Team is large interprofessional team consisting of Advanced Care Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurse's and Social Workers who will assess and treat adults (18years and above) in their own home (including nursing or residential). Patients with a wide variety of conditions are seen who without additional intensive support would normally be admitted into hospital or residential care. 

The Rapid Response Team provides short term assessment and interventions. An initial assessment will be completed by a member of the team who will assess your clinical condition, any social support required, or equipment / therapy needs. You may then be seen once a day by a member of the team until you are suitable for discharge either with no further input or referred to another suitable service.

District nurses provide nursing care for patients who are housebound or in a care home and are unable to complete the intervention themselves or have no-one who can help to deliver that intervention.

The district nursing services is a seven day a week, 24 hour a day service. 

Neighbourhood teams in community have a range of professionals available to support and enable patients in their homes. The professions are:


  • Community matrons - work closely with patients in the community who have a long-term condition(s), increased frailty and are at risk of hospital admission. They are a point of contact for the patients on their caseload, offering support or advice and they are independent prescribers. They are responsible for assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment and care provided and make changes as needed.


  • Community therapy - offers Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for individuals at their home who have a physical condition which is affecting their ability to carry out essential day to day activities.


  • Care Home team - support residents with long term conditions and increased frailty. They provide a clinical assessment to be able to diagnose and treat episodes of acute ill health of the care home residents and prevent hospital admissions.  They help to support and advise the care homes to achieve the best possible outcomes for their residents They will also offer guidance and support in advance care planning. 


  • Health and wellbeing support workers - support patients in their own homes and the local community. Their aim is to help patients learn more about their health conditions and manage them to reduce the impact it has on other areas of their lives. They use coaching techniques to help patients discover what is important to them, how they can make changes and reach their own goals. Some areas they focus on are reducing loneliness, remaining independent, and planning for the future.

The Falls Team consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, technical instructors and an administrator. 

Incontinence is a significant factor in admissions to hospitals and residential care settings as it contributes to ill health, falls and fractures, severe infections and pressure ulcers. 

We run adult (age 18+) specialist clinics in Blackpool, St. Annes, Cleveleys, Garstang and Fleetwood (for patients of GPs in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre only).

Find out more here: Blackpool Specialist Bladder and Bowel Service