Find out how you can stay well after a hospital stay and the services that can help, including what to do if you start to feel unwell again.
Please organise for a relative, carer or friend to collect you by car or taxi when the doctor says you can go home. Hospital transport can be arranged if you fit the eligibility criteria. Your ward care team will discuss this with you when planning your discharge.
We will make sure that you are sent home with at least two weeks' supply of all long-term medications. The labels on these medications will explain how they should be taken. The discharge letter you will be sent home with, will list the medications that you should be taking when you are discharged. A copy of your letter is sent electronically to your GP.
It is important that you read the discharge letter when you go home so that you are aware of any changes to your medications such as medications to be stopped or their dose being changed.
Could you be receiving the same treatment at home?
Ask your medical team if your care could be provided in the comfort of your own home.
You can receive daily check-ins, either in person or via the phone. We provide the equipment and help you set it up, so you can recover in an environment you are more familiar with ... at home or in a care home.
Find out more about Virtual Wards here: Virtual Wards :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
Most people leave hospital and don't need any further help. We may however have arranged for a physiotherapist, occupational therapist or district nurse to visit you in your home.
If you feel you need extra help, you contact your GP who will have access to your care and treatment in hospital.
Find out more here: Once You're Home :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
Adult community services support and care for patients in the community, maintaining their health, independence and preventing unnecessary hospital admission. Teams of nurses and therapists coordinate care, working with other professions including GPs and social care to keep patients well.
Find out more about community services here: Community Services :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
Most patients who go home don't need any follow-up care straight away. When you go home, we will send a discharge summary to your GP. This is so your GP knows what treatment you have had in hospital.
There is a lot of online support available to help carers maintain their health and wellbeing.
Find out more here: Information for Carers :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
If you start to feel unwell at home, visit our 'feeling unwell' resources on the website before travelling back to Blackpool Victoria Hospital.
There may be a more suitable alternative, such as accessing your local pharmacy, GP surgery, walk-in centre or NHS 111. You can find information about all our services including their contact details in our A-Z of services.
Find out more here: Think! Who can best help? │ Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
For enquiries about hospital appointments, contact the relevant department directly. The number will be on your appointment letter or card.
Call our switchboard on 01253 300000.
Find further contact details here: Get in touch :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
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Facebook: @BlackpoolHospitals
Instagram: @blackpoolteachinghospitals
LinkedIn: @Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
YouTube: @BFWHospitals
NextDoor: @Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Blue Skies Hospitals Fund is the official charity for Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
We are here to enhance patient care on the Fylde Coast and make a real difference to our patients and their families, every day.
Make a donation here: Make a donation to Blue Skies Hospitals Fund.
Blue Skies Hospitals Fund
Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Whinney Heys Road
Blackpool FY3 8NR
Tel: 01253 957904
Email: bfwh.