Your hospital guide

Keeping you well while you're with us and on your road to recovery

This is a digital copy of the booklet that is provided at your hospital bedside. Here you are able to translate the language, increase the font size and change the contrast. 

You can also use the button below to download the pdf version to your device.

If you have any questions that are not answered within this booklet or through the additional links provided please ask the team that are caring for you for and they will be able to help.

Using this guide

The information in this guide is intended to cover various aspects of your stay while you are with us; to provide guidance for getting you home as soon as possible and your care thereafter. 

While you are with us:

Find out about the facilities and services here to help you and your visitors while you are in hospital.

Getting you home:

See what you can do to help get yourself home as soon as your medical team say you are well enough to go and what to expect on the day of discharge.

After your hospital stay:

Find out how you can stay well after a hospital stay and the services that can help including what to do if you start to feel unwell again. 

The Trust has a dedicated phone number which is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days week for patients or their relatives when they have serious concerns for their welfare and clinical updates and reassurance. 

A senior nurse will respond to your call within 30 minutes.

Contact our dedicated phone number on 01253 955305.

Find out more here: HELP phone :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

If you have a concern or wish to complain about your care or the treatment of a relative, please raise this with the team which is provide care to the patient.

If you are still not satisfied, our Patient Relations Team provides free, confidential on the spot advice to help you identify and resolve your concerns. 

Contact Patient Relations on 01253 955588 or 955589

Find out more here: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals | Complaints and Concerns.

The Blackpool Teaching Hospitals influence panel is made up of patients, carers, former employees and members of the public. They each help ensure the patient voice is heard when developing new ideas and projects across the Trust. 

Find out more here: Join our Influence Panel :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

Providing the best possible experience for patients, their relatives and carers is our top priority.

Listening to and learning from your feedback helps us do this. If you've used one of our services recently, we would like to know what you think.

If you would like to speak to someone about a concern or complaint, please speak to our patient relations team. 

Click here to leave a compliment. 

Click here to rate our services. 

Click here to share your story. 

Contact the Patient Experience Team on 01253 953548.