What is a Speech and Language Therapist? 

Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) are trained health professionals who work with people who may be experiencing communication and / or swallowing difficulties.

The Speech and Language Therapist will want to ask you about your communication and / or swallowing problem and how this impacts on your daily life. This is your opportunity to share your concerns.

There is an appointment letter for the Speech and Language Therapy Department enclosed with this leaflet. The letter will give you details of the place and time of your appointment.

The Speech and Language Therapist will aim to see you promptly and as close to your appointment time as possible. You will be offered an explanation if further delays are expected.

Your first meeting will take place in a quiet room and last up to one hour.

The appointment could also take place in your own home if this has been previously arranged and is more appropriate for your circumstances.

Any discussions you have with the Speech and Language Therapist will be treated in the strictest confidence.

The Speech and Language Therapist may need to discuss treatments with your GP or other Health Care Professionals with your consent.

You are welcome to bring a friend or relative if their support is important to you.

The Speech and Language Therapist may carry out an assessment of your communication and / or swallowing and this will determine what happens next.

You may receive some verbal and / or written information and advice.

You may be seen again for further assessment and / or be offered a course of one to one or group therapy sessions to help with some of your difficulties.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact us to let us know, so that your appointment slot can be re-arranged or offered to someone else.

You can do this by telephone, via email, or in writing to:

Speech and Language Therapy Department

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Victoria Hospital

Whinney Heys Road



Telephone: 01253 953873

Email: bfwh.askaspeechtherapist@nhs.net

Please note: if you do not attend your appointment without letting us know, we will not offer you another appointment.