Liquid Nitrogen Therapy (Cryotherapy)

Cryotherapy is used to treat small lumps on the surface of the skin, such as warts. It works simply by freezing the skin at a very low temperature for a few seconds. It is a brief out-patient treatment, and no special precautions are needed (you can eat beforehand and drive home afterwards).

One of the advantages of cryotherapy is that it is very unlikely to cause scarring when superficial lumps are treated.

Loss of pigmentation in the treated area may be a problem especially in patients with dark or tanned skin.

Most lumps on the skin only require a single treatment but warts often need repeated treatment until they go away.

The treatment stings as it is applied and for a few minutes afterwards, and the area may ache in the evening. Paracetamol is helpful especially when sensitive areas such as fingertips have been treated.

Young children do not usually tolerate repeated treatment and cryotherapy is rarely used at all under the age of 10.

Occasionally, a large blood blister arises which may need to be popped and dressed. Please contact the department for advice if this occurs.

Should you experience any problems or need advice please contact 01253 956238 or 01253 957089, or out of hours 01253 957079 until 8pm.

Treatment on the face, especially around the eyes, may cause considerable swelling, usually only for a few hours but occasionally for 2-3 days. Lumps on the chest or back may take up to 2 months to come off after treatment.