Brazelton Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS)
(Developed by Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, Boston, USA)
Blackpool Health Visiting Service are able to offer this innovative
research based neonatal behavioural assessment. NBAS is the
most comprehensive neurobehavioural assessment available
for newborn babies, it has been developed from decades of
research, providing rich insight into each individual baby.

Newborn babies have an amazing way of communicating what
they are thinking and feeling, what they like and dislike and the
things they need from you, the NBAS session will help you to
learn this.

It’s for babies from birth to 2 months old.

The assessment takes 20-30 minutes to do in a quiet, warm
room with the mother/father/family when the baby is half-way
between feeds, usually at your home or a clinic if preferred.

It is an interactive assessment focusing on the baby’s strengths.
We can look at how your baby responds to light and sound
when asleep, and follows faces and objects. We can also look at
your baby’s physical activity/reflexes and how your baby is able
to regulate his/her states (from sleeping through to crying).

To share what your baby likes, dislikes and how we can
understand his/her signals. To understand your baby’s style and
temperament, in order to develop ways to handle and look after
your baby

If you are interested, your health visitor can refer you to a
trained NBAS health visitor practitioner. The practitioner will
describe the assessment and discuss it with you. It is entirely your
own decision and will be treated confidentially.
The NBAS is a behavioural assessment, and does not replace any
other assessments or tests your baby may need, such as hearing,
jaundice, or other medical tests.