Why quit?

Stopping smoking is one of the best things people can do to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing. Research shows that most people who smoke, want to stop.

Quitting on your own can be hard, smoking is an addiction to the nicotine in tobacco – an addiction that often starts in childhood. With help and support you are three times more likely to quit.

The risk of developing a long term health condition increases if you are over 35. The good news is the sooner you quit the less likely you are to develop diseases such as heart disease, stroke, vascular disease and respiratory diseases such as COPD, as well as a whole range of cancers.

Its never too late to stop smoking, even if you have a long term health condition such as heart or lung disease.

Whilst it isn’t possible to reverse the damage caused by smoking, you’ll gain numerous health benefits and feel better if you stop.

You can book, cancel or change your appointment by calling Blackpool Tobacco Addiction Service 0808 196 4324

Unless you are being referred by a health professional, you can contact the service yourself to make an appointment.

A Service administrator will ask you some questions about yourself such as address and GP, as well as questions related to your working status, health and sexual orientation. This information is used for your health records and will inform your care.

Some of the information goes to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) but this is untraceable on your health records, in line with GDPR. You can decline to answer any question you are uncomfortable with answering. You will then be given a choice of clinics on a variety of days. You can choose where you wish to be seen.

Your Appointment is generally on a one-to-one basis but you can be seen with a family member, a friend or a small group if you wish.

You will meet the Specialist Stop Smoking Practitioner who usually runs that clinic. There may be times when you will see someone else, for example if that practitioner is away or you choose to be seen elsewhere.

The practitioner will ask you about your health, including if you are on any medication. It can be helpful to bring a list of medication with you to your appointment.

The practitioner will ask you about your smoking history and smoking routines. You will be asked who you live with and if they smoke. This is to build a picture of what you might face during your time with the service. Being open and honest about your needs helps the practitioner to help you.

The practitioner will go through the options available to you, discuss all Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and explain to you how they work. Depending on where you live you will either be able take some NRT home with you that day, or given a voucher code to redeem at your local pharmacy.

You will be asked to blow into a carbon monoxide monitor. The practitioner will tell you how to do it. The result will be explained to you along with what it means.

The practitioner will ask you to think about preparing for your quit date. A quit date is the date you intend to stop smoking. Those who set a quit date will receive up to 12-weeks support including Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify anything you are not sure on. Your first appointment usually takes around 30 minutes.

The next appointment will usually be in a week’s time and made before you leave. Follow-up appointments give you a chance to update your practitioner on things that are working well and also discuss anything that is proving challenging. Follow-up appointments last approximately 15 minutes. You will also have a chance to change NRT if it does not suit you. Once you feel confident with stopping smoking we can move to fortnightly appointments.

You will be asked to blow into the carbon monoxide monitor at each appointment. Many find this helps them to stay motivated to quit.

 Within days of quitting smoking you’ll experience:

• a drop in heart rate

• carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in blood return to normal (similar to those who’ve never smoked)

• your sense of taste and smell improving

Within weeks you’ll benefit from:

• a reduction in the risk of sudden death from a heart attack

• improvement in lung function

• less coughing and shortness of breath

• fewer severe asthma attacks

Within a few months you’ll experience:

• an improvement in symptoms of chronic bronchitis (phlegm, wheezing, shortness of breath)

• less risk of ulcers

Benefits within a year include:

• risks of coronary heart disease (CHD) cut by half

• an improvement in lung function among people with mild to moderate COPD

Giving up smoking could really change your life.

Our community stop smoking services across Blackpool can provide effective one - to - one stop smoking support.

Email: bfwh.bctatsadmin@nhs.net

Facebook: @smokefreeBPL

Twitter: @smokefreeBPL

Further information is available on our websites: Stop smoking service and Quit Squad.