Aim of the Rheumatology Telephone Advice line Service

Rheumatology Telephone Advice Line - 01253 957068.

To provide advice and support for patients under the care of the Rheumatology Team at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.

When should you use this service?

This is not an emergency service. But it is for you to use if you are worried about any of the following problems:

  • If you have a ‘flare’ of your symptoms that have not responded to your usual self-help treatments and you feel that you need further advice. 
  • If you are experiencing side effects that you may think are caused by the medication prescribed for your arthritis.
  • If you experience an adverse reaction to an injection given at the rheumatology clinic.
  • If you have been asked by one of the Rheumatology team to report your progress.
  • If you have any urgent worries or concerns that cannot wait until your next appointment.

The advice line will often be answered by a Rheumatology Nurse Specialist. Please leave your name, date of birth, phone number and short message. The Nurse will return your call as soon as possible, although this maybe up to 2 working days.

If your call to the helpline is not answered straight away, please leave a message rather than trying the other departmental phone numbers until someone answers. Your message will then end up with the wrong team, which will only delay your query getting answered.

If you have an urgent medical problem you must contact your GP surgery or go to your nearest accident and emergency department.

The telephone advice line service is available to everyone who attends the rheumatology service at Blackpool Teaching hospitals. It can also be used by anyone who cares for you, as long as you have given your permission. We will only discuss confidential matters with you.

The advice line should not be used for:

  • Requesting results of blood tests or investigations, if any action is required you will be informed.
  • Changing Consultant appointments.
  • Contacting other departments for example OT, Podiatry.
  • General advice that can wait until your next appointment.

• Biologic Nurse – 01253 957070
• Osteoporosis Nurse – 01253 957069
• National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society NRAS – 0845 458 3971
• Arthritis Care – 0800 289170

• for patients
• for patients and health professionals