What is a Virtual macular follow up clinic?
For most patients, your doctor can review your condition virtually for example, without seeing you physically, by assessing your visual acuity results and your diagnostic scans. This means when you attend this clinic, trained staff complete your assessments and diagnostic scans to assess your macular condition. You won’t need to wait to see a doctor in person during these visits.
The virtual clinics will make your own appointment much quicker, as you do not need to wait to see a doctor or have your eyes dilated. You will still receive the same standards of care as you would if you were seen face to face.
The virtual clinics enable the team to keep the service efficient and safe, so more patients can be seen at the requested intervals and treatment started within the recommended timescales.
• Patients who are being treated for Age related wet macular degeneration.
• Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Vein Occlusions.
• Patients who have other macular conditions that require regular monitoring.
• Visual acuity assessment (sight test). Please bring your most recent Optician’s report and glasses, to the next appointment you attend (refraction).
• Colour photograph of the macular.
• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT scan).
No, if you attend a virtual clinic, you will not have drops to dilate your pupils unless your pupils are too small to get a clear photograph/ scan of the back of your eye (retina), which is rare.
The doctor will review your scans, visual acuity assessment and notes on the day you attend or in the immediate days that follow. They will write to you to advise the outcome, within a few weeks. If you have any questions you would like the doctor to address, please advise the nurse who is assessing your visual acuity on the day of your virtual appointment.
If your macular is stable (inactive) you will receive another clinic appointment to be monitored within the time frames requested in your outcome letter. If your tests indicate you need treatment, an appointment will be offered for an injection on a day or time that is convenient for you. (Due to the delays with letters being sent out, the department may contact you before you receive your outcome letter. This may advise you that you need further treatment and book your appointment.) The nursing team will answer any questions you may have.
If you do not receive your results, please contact the Medical Retina Unit on 01253 956739.
If you have been given a Virtual Macular appointment, you will not routinely be able to see a doctor during this session. If you do feel you need to see a doctor for a face-to-face consultation due to any concerns, please contact the Medical Retina Unit on 01253 956739.