Talking therapies can help you to help yourself and provide you with the tools you need to get back to enjoying life, work or daily activities.
Talking about your thoughts and feelings is good for you. We often find it useful to talk through our problems with a friend or family member but sometimes we may need to talk to someone who is trained to help us to make positive changes.
Talking therapies help people to explore their thoughts and feelings and the effect they have on their behaviour and mood.
By understanding what is going on in your mind and how this makes you feel, you can notice patterns that it may be helpful to change. This can help you to feel better, improve your confidence, and take control of your life.
Talking therapies take place over a number of regular sessions, usually weekly appointments. This will vary according toyour individual circumstances and needs.
We will let your GP know when you begin treatment and when your sessions come to an end. You will also get a copyof the letters we send to your GP.
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