
The nurses, doctors and other staff are here to help you as well as the person you care about. The staff will try and help you work through your worries and concerns and offer you care and support at this most difficult of times.

The staff looking after your loved one will have explained to you that there has been a change in their condition which means that the person you are caring for is dying and is entering the last few days or hours of their life.

We realise that thinking about the last days or hours of someone’s life, especially when they are close to you, is extremely difficult.

The dying process is unique to each person, but in most cases a plan of care can be put into place to support you all. This leaflet outlines the changes you might notice and how we will look after you all. You should have been given information about the care being provided and what to expect with regards to your loved one.

It can be difficult to take a lot of information in at such a difficult time, so you might want to read this booklet in sections, or come back to it from time to time. The team looking after you and your loved one are there to answer any questions and provide you with support, so please talk to them whenever you feel the need.

Community Care Co-ordination Service (Nursing or medical help out of hours) 01253 955750

Trinity Hospice switchboard 01253 358881

Trinity Hospice Advice Line (for specialist advice about symptoms) 01253 952566

Chaplaincy/Faith Leaders
01253 953876 (Hospital Switchboard) 01253 300000

SWAN bereavement support
01253 952456

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