Essential instructions for people who have had a cast applied
Please read the below instructions carefully.
All rings must be removed before your cast is applied and must remain off until the cast is removed.
If you experience any of the below you MUST contact the plaster room during opening hours or attend your local Accident and Emergency department out of hours and at weekends immediately:
• You are unable to move your limb
• Your cast becomes tight
• Your limb becomes more painful or tender
• Your toes or fingers become swollen or blue in colour
• You drop an object down inside your cast
• Your cast becomes loose or develops cracks
• You feel numbness or ‘pins and needles’
• You develop blister like pain or rubbing underneath the cast
• You have a discharge, wetness, or smell underneath the cast
• Staining appears on the cast
Care Dos and Don’ts
Things you should do:
• DO seek advice as soon as possible if you experience any of the signs listed.
• DO allow 48hrs for your plaster to dry.
• DO exercise the joints that are not immobilised as much as possible.
• DO elevate the limb at all times unless it is being used.
• DO allow the cast to dry normally.
• DO observe young children with a cast to see if they become more irritable or are not sleeping, as this could indicate a problem.
Things you should not do:
• DO NOT sit close to the fire as plaster conducts heat and may burn.
• Do NOT let your limb hang down unless it is being used.
• DO NOT get the cast wet as this may cause the padding underneath the plaster to get wet and may cause skin irritation.
• DO NOT cut, heat, or interfere with your cast if the cast becomes cracked, soft, loose, or tight, Seek advice immediately.
• DO NOT walk on your plaster unless you have been advised by medical staff to do so.
• DO NOT attempt to remove the cast
• Do not push anything down the cast including spray or talc.
Risks associated with having your limb in a cast The two main risks are Pressure Ulcers and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT):
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
A small number of patients, particularly the elderly or immobile, may be at an increased risk of developing a pressure ulcer under the plaster cast.
These can be caused through the cast continually rubbing or being too tight over the more vulnerable areas of the body such as, heel bones, ankle bones or elbow joints.
A pressure ulcer is an area of damage to the skin caused when pressure is applied over a period of time causing skin breakdown and ulcer formation.
Ways to reduce the risks:
• Change your position at least every 2 hours.
• Change the position of the plaster casted limb frequently.
• If in a leg cast, place a pillow between the legs when lying on your side to prevent rubbing on the other leg.
• Ensure the leg is not rested on the heel for long periods and ensure heel is floating over a pillow.
• Use a pillow to elevate the casted limb.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
One of the risks of having reduced movement due to your cast is a DVT. This is a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in your leg. This blocks the normal flow of blood through your leg veins.
A DVT can be very dangerous if left untreated.
Signs and Symptoms to look out for:
• Throbbing or cramping pain in 1 leg, usually in the calf or thigh
• Swelling in the leg
• Warm skin around the painful area
• Shortness of breath that you have not experienced before
• Chest pain which becomes worse on breathing in
• Discolouration of your toes or fingers
• Calf tenderness
• The calf is warm and red
If you experience any of the above, please seek medical advice
Ways to reduce the risks:
• If you are a smoker, try to stop
• Keep hydrated
• Do regular exercises such as moving your toes, walk around with the help of crutches
• Your doctor will advise you to take preventative treatment in the form of a blood thinning injection, if required, depending on your risk factors.
Contact Information
If you are experiencing any problems or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the plaster room on Tel: 01253 953187.
The Plaster Technicians can offer advice over the phone and may make arrangements for you to be seen back in the plaster room depending on your symptoms
The Plaster Room is open for plaster checks:
- Monday to Friday
- Morning 9:00am till 11:30am
- Afternoon 1:00pm till 3:30pm
- Closed Friday PM
Please ring first to inform staff you need to be seen.
Out of hours or at the weekend if you experience any problems with your cast, please go to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department.