Wound care
You have had an incision at the top of your breastbone (mini- sternotomy), and a smaller incision just below your breastbone (from a chest drain). You may have some stitches that need to be removed, which can be arranged with the practice nurse at your GP surgery, or with the district nurse.
The ward staff will arrange this for you. When washing do not put soap directly on to your wound, and keep the area as dry as possible. Do not rub the wound until it has completely healed.
It varies from person to person to recover from a TAVI but on average it takes at least 4-6 weeks from procedure date. Remember to take things gradually and have a rest/sleep when you feel you need it. Don’t overtire yourself. You have had a general anaesthetic which in itself puts the body under strain.
Sometimes there is a tendency to feel weepy for no apparent reason, You may also feel irritable, restless and your sleep may be disturbed. These feelings are considered normal after surgery and will not last. If your symptoms do persist contact your GP.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
In the weeks following your TAVI, you will be invited to attend a cardiac rehabilitation programme (approx 8 weeks) designed to get you involved in gentle exercise and health education sessions. This is optional but highly recommended. If you live in the Blackpool area, following discharge home you will be contacted by one of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team to discuss your recovery and option of attending. If you live outside of the Blackpool area, you will be referred to the cardiac Rehabilitation Team within your local area.
• Week 1- takes things easy, no heavy lifting for 6 weeks, keep mobile around your home to avoid bloods clots in the legs and lungs. Gradual introduction of exercise: for example in the first week walk around your house and perhaps short walks outside.
• Week 2-3: gradually increase the activities in your house; you may feel strong enough to have a short visit to the shop for light items.
• Week 3-6 You should be able to manage daily household tasks, but please avoid any heavy lifting/ excessive pulling/ pushing.
It is suggested that walking is one of the best exercises as you can gradually increase the speed as your body allows. It is important to remember that you may have other medical conditions that limit your activities. Do not do any heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks
If you have a valid driving licence you must NOT drive for 4 weeks post procedure. This is a legal requirement from the DVLA. You are not required to inform the DVLA but must inform your insurance company to avoid your insurance being invalid. The British Heart Foundation can advise should you have any problems with insurance using the telephone number 08450708070.
Holidays/ Flying
It is advised that you do NOT fly for at least 4 weeks post procedure. You can holiday in this country whenever you feel up to it. When flying abroad, your new valve will not set off the metal detectors at the airport.
Dental work
When visiting the dentist, inform them that you have had a TAVI (tissue valve) as they may wish to provide antibiotic cover for any treatment you have. It is also recommended that you have good oral hygiene to prevent any bacteria getting into the blood stream and causing infection.
Returning to Work
If you work, the TAVI team will advise you when to return depending upon you individual circumstances and the type of work you do. In general we would normally recommend at least 2-4 weeks recovery
Follow up will be in TAVI Clinic in the cardiac outpatients in approximately 6-8 weeks.
This appointment will come in the post. In the mean time if you have any queries or concerns please contact Heart valve nurses 01253 956359 Between 8.30am- 4pm Monday to Friday.
Please leave a message and someone will return your call as this message service is regularly checked throughout the day.
Other useful numbers:-
British Heart Foundation
Tel: 0300 300 3322
Website: www.bhf.org.uk
Heart Valve Voice:
Tel: 07399606386
Website: www.heartvalvevoice.com