We want our patients' stay here to be as pleasant as possible and for you to feel safe and cared for throughout your time with us.
Please speak to any member of staff or the Ward Manager if you need assistance with any personal matters during your stay.
All bay lights to be dimmed or turned off by 11pm unless there is a special circumstance or an emergency.
Be mindful of talking loudly:
Reducing the volume at which you speak can ensure other patients have a more rested night.
TV/Mobile phones/Tablets:
Please turn these off after 11pm. If you want to use these devices after this time please consider headphones or turning the device to silent. You can use subtitles on your device or TV if you want to watch a programme with the volume down.
Noise issue:
Please report any noise issues to staff so it can be addressed quickly. We have ear plugs available, please ask a member of staff for these. Be aware that not all bins are soft closing on the ward, consider if you need to use these between 11pm and 6am.