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Welcome to Options4CYP Services for Blackpool and the Fylde coast

Most of us know when we are mentally and physically well, but sometimes we need a little extra support to keep well.

Our Options4CYP services are here to offer help and support to you throughout the more difficult times in your life.  On this website you will find lots of information to help you find out more where you can help during those times. 

We are not an emergency service. If you are worried about your child, please look at where you may need to go to get help or visit the NHS website.

We hope you find the website useful, please tell us what you think of the information, website and services.

How to contact us

We now have one single freephone number for all Options4CYP services: 0800 121 7762.

  • Option zero: Options4CYP Single Point of Access (SPoA)
  • Option 1: Blackpool CAMHS
  • Option 2: CASHER or RAIS
  • Option 3: YoutherapY
  • Option 4: Children and Young People's Primary Mental Health Service