Our main office is at Whitegate Drive Health Centre, however we run clinics both here and at Revo Children’s Centre, Poulton, Freckleton, Lytham and Fleetwood.
Our service is available to children aged 0-16 years (0-19 SEND). We work as part of an integrated children’s community continence service providing ‘Level 2’ care.
This means that we specialise in treating and managing children from the Blackpool Fylde and Wyre area with continence problems after they have been referred from our ‘Level 1’ services, these being Health visiting, school nursing and GPs.
Our Clinics
We run clinics for constipation, day time wetting, night time wetting, in some circumstances delayed toilet training.
At our initial appointments we go through a full assessment that with cover all three issues (constipation, daytime and night time wetting) as they are all linked so we need a broad picture of the child’s bladder and bowel habits to then consider a plan of treatment
Useful Information
A continence assessment will be undertaken to rule out constipation and to ensure the child is drinking enough during the day. In some circumstances medication can be trailed to help stop night time wetting.
There are also good night time bladder habits that can be used to help a child stop wetting in the night.
A continence assessment will be undertaken to rule out constipation and to ensure the child is drinking enough during the day and dietary habits.
In some circumstances medication may be needed to prevent day time wetting but the main causes are often constipation and poor fluid intake.
With constipation we look at an array of information to build a view of what may be causing the problem. We look at diet and fluid intake and patterns, toileting habits and routines, what their bladders are doing day and night too. This then gives us a picture to work from to decide if medication is required or a bowel management plan is best.
Useful Links
We have compiled a list of resources for parents, families and carers that you may find helpful:
- How much should my child be drinking - Recommendations | Constipation in children and young people: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE
- Healthy Eating - Healthier Families - Home - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Constipation - Bowel problems | ERIC
- Daytime wetting - Daytime bladder issues | ERIC
- Night Time Wetting - Bedwetting | ERIC