We have compiled a list of resources for professionals that you may find helpful:
British Society of Audiology (BSA) - British Society of Audiology - BSA (thebsa.org.uk)
- Formed in 1967 its aims are to advance audiological research, learning, practice and impact. It is the largest learned audiology society in Europe with a membership of around 1,200. BSA is the leading UK organisation for all professionals integrated in the latest science and its application in improving people’s lives with hearing and balance problems.
National Deaf Children's Society - www.ndcs.org.uk
- The National Deaf Children's Society is the leading charity for deaf children and young people.
iCan's Talking Point - www.ican.org.uk
- iCan is the children's communication charity. A world where all children have the communication skills they need to fulfil their potential. Some free to order resources [DVDs, posters etc.] and some to buy. Also information about ican ‘talk’ programmes.
Tiny Happy People - www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people
- Activities for babies, toddlers and children.
Hungry Little Minds - www.hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/
- Simple fun, activities for kids aged 0-5 years
The Communication Trust - www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk
- Lots of downloadable / free to order resources to support speech, language and communication, ‘Small Talk’ books for parents.