Victoria's Voice Youth Forum

We are pleased to announce that Victoria’s Voice has recommenced following the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re aged 11-18 and have received care at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, we would value your opinions and views on our service so why not join our young patients’ forum, Victoria’s Voice.

The group started in 2012 and gets involved in lots of different projects to make sure that children and young people have their say in how services work for them, and others like them. Victoria’s Voice meet every month after school and sometimes get together for special projects in between.

To find out more about what Victoria’s Voice do and how to get involved please visit:

Young Empowerment Forum (YEF)

The Young Empowerment Forums make positive changes to services in Blackpool for other people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). There are two forums:

  • The Junior YEF for children at primary school
  • The YEF for young people aged 13-25

Both groups meet twice a school term. The YEF do all sorts of exciting work in meetings, and out and about in the town. The YEF help hire staff for the Council and the Hospital, develop resources for children and young people, train professionals, and more!

Visit if you would like to find out more about getting involved.

Blackpool Youth Council

Blackpool Youth Council ensures that every young person, aged 11 to 18, no matter their ethnic or social background can have their voice heard; allowing young people to have the opportunity to have their say and make informed decisions on key issues affecting them.

We encourage young people to involve themselves in the Blackpool community and make a positive change. To make your mark and get involved visit for more information.

The Friends and Family Test – Blackpool Teaching Hospital

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It's a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.

Since the FFT was launched in 2013, millions of patients have submitted feedback. It's used by most NHS services, including community care, hospitals, mental health services, maternity services, GP and dental practices, emergency care, and patient transport.

Headstart – Blackpool’s Resilience Revolution

Headstart is made up of a mix of people from across the town…basically anyone who lives, works, or volunteers in Blackpool is invited to join us and come together to work out how to build a resilient town to grow up, live, work and thrive in.

Interested in joining us and getting involved? Find out more here

Blackpool Youth Climate Group

The Blackpool Youth Climate Group brings together young people from across Blackpool to collectively take positive action to combat climate change.

The group started as a collaboration between the Blackpool Youth Council, Junior Park Rangers and Headstart Blackpool. Visit the website for details on how to join and get involved in making a difference!

Friends and Family Test (FFT) Surveys

Each Children’s Community Service operates its own FFT survey. Visit here to access each services unique QR codes and web links by clicking onto the clinic you have attended and the ‘Have Your Say’ button . Paper copies of the FFT survey, please ask a member of staff following your visit or appointment.