The best way for us to make sure you’re getting the best possible care at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, is to find out what we do well, and what we can do better.
We really like to hear from patients; it’s so important that we can help as many people to be as healthy and happy as possible and to be supportive when times are tough.
When you’re in hospital we encourage you to ask us questions and to be involved in your care. There are colourful ‘comment cards’ and red post boxes on the wards so that you can share your ideas and suggestions with us.
Before you leave, we will ask you to take part in a short survey called a ‘Friends and Family Test’ to let us know how we did. You can do this before you go home, or you can do this online when you get home by following this link.
If you would like to make a complaint or raise a concern, you can contact our Patient Relations team.
The feedback you provide us is anonymous. This means we will not know it was you who wrote that feedback, unless you tell us your name. We use your feedback to make changes to continuously improve the care we provide.
You can also tell us how we did on the main hospital Facebook or Twitter pages.
You can also tell us how we did by posting a review on the public website Care Opinion, click here.
Victoria’s Voice meet every month after school and sometimes get together for special projects in between. Some of the things the group do regularly are:
Choosing new staff
When we recruit new staff for children’s services at Blackpool Hospital, Victoria’s Voice get involved in the interviews. They create and ask their own questions and help us to choose who will work here.
Educating Doctors
Blackpool Hospital is part of a ‘Teaching Hospitals Trust’. This means that student Doctors come to our hospital to do part of their training. Victoria’s Voice run a lesson that these Doctors take part in, talking about how to speak with children and young people and why it’s important for them to get involved in decisions about their health and treatments.
Creating resources and campaigns
The group regularly create new materials for Children’s Services and staff, like the ‘Charter of Promises’ and our ‘Top Tips for talking to young patients’ cards.
Decision making
When decisions are being made about how to run or change a service for children and young people, Victoria’s Voice has the chance to be involved and take part in meetings and discussions and put across their opinions and ideas.
Contact Us
01253 956652
If you’re interested in joining Victoria’s Voice, please contact the Children’s Engagement Lead: