The paediatric diabetes team looks after all children and young people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

This team is specially trained and experienced. They help children and young people by making sure that they have a care plan that works for them and their family. They support, encourage and teach children, young people and their families about how to look after themselves and their diabetes.

The team also train school staff and healthcare professionals on how to look after and support children and young people with diabetes. They work closely with the consultants to make sure that the hospital is giving you all the help you need for your diabetes.

The team also has a dietitian, who provides support and information about diet and nutrition. This is especially important for people who have diabetes.

Where we are:

Women and Children’s Unit
Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Whinney Heys Road

FY3 8NR.

Getting Help:

You may meet this team if you are diagnosed with diabetes and live in the Blackpool, Fylde or Wyre.


Monday to Friday: Clinics run on Monday and Thursday afternoon.

Contact Us:

Extra Help: 
At our clinics we have play specialists who can help keep you calm and happy if you are worried about any treatments. The clinic is accessible with an accessible toilet, sensory room and a portable hoist if needed. We have a quiet space available if you need privacy or time out.

If you need help with British Sign Language or translation the team can arrange help through a translator or note taker.