Having an Operation

Here you will find links to information leaflets for common ENT operations and some information on pre-operative assessment, anaesthetics, day case surgery and inpatient surgery.

Preoperative Assessment

If you are having a general anaesthetic (being put to sleep for your operation), you will be invited to a further pre-operative assessment appointment by Specialist Nurses to make sure you have all the tests you may need to confirm your fitness for anaesthetic and surgery. Once this has been completed you will be contacted with a date for your operation.


Common questions about anaesthetic answered by the anaesthetic department

Day Surgery Unit

Most ENT surgery is performed on a day case basis, with you going home on the same day as your operation. You will be asked to attend the Day Surgery Unit on the day of your operation.

Inpatient Surgery

If you are told you will need to stay in hospital the night after your operation, you will be invited to the Surgical Admissions Unit on the day of your operation, and you will be taken to the ENT Ward (Ward 14) after your operation.

Information Leaflets

You will be provided with written information on your operation when you are in clinic. You can find online copies of these information leaflets from ENT-UK below: