The aim of Palliative Care is to improve the quality of life for patients and their loved ones. The hospital Palliative Care Service provides specialist symptom management, psychological and social support for patients referred to the team who have a life limiting illness or progressive illness.

The team consists of Palliative Medicine Consultants, Advance Care Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Associate Nurse Specialists and Health Care Assistants We work alongside other teams within the hospital to enhance the care that is provided to patients and their families or carers.

Hospice    The team cover seven days a week 07.30-5.30 including bank holidays.

As part of an Integrated Palliative Care Service, we can access other services to support patients when they are discharged from hospital, depending on their wishes and their needs. This may include referral to Trinity Hospice for those who would benefit from assessment in the specialist unit or referral to the Trinity Community Nurse Specialists who support patients who wish to remain at home or in their care home. Other services include the Trinity Hospice at Home service which aims to provide care and support for patients within their own home, the Trinity Day Therapy Unit and counselling and bereavement support from the Linden Centre.

Useful numbers:

Hospital Palliative Care team answer phone – 7 days 07:30-5:30     01253 953670

Trinity Hospice Helpline out of hours 01253 952566

Trinity Hospice main Switchboard: 01253 358881    

Linden Centre: 01253 595552