What is a Haematology Diagnostic Clinic?

Welcome to the Clinical Haematology department at Lancashire Haematology Centre. You have been referred to the Haematology Diagnostic Clinic. Haematology involves the investigation of blood and blood-related disorders. Which may consist of an abnormality with any of the three main types of blood cells: white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets, or an abnormality in the ability to form blood clots.

You might have been referred to this clinic because of a recent blood test that showed something outside normal or expected levels, or you might have a symptom that could suggest a problem with your blood.

Some changes to blood test results are not serious and may be due to lifestyle factors or other illnesses not specifically related to your blood, whilst some may be more serious and require specific treatment. The Haematology Diagnostic Clinic is designed to investigate and diagnose these blood problems.

We understand that receiving this referral and attending your appointment may be concerning for you. Please be reassured that we have a team of colleagues who will take care of you during and after your appointment. This webpage is to provide more information about what happens during your clinic visit and what happens next.

Haematology Diagnostic Clinics are held in the Windmill Unit, located within area 8 of Blackpool Victoria Hospital. You can get directions at the main entrance to the hospital if you are not sure where to go.

You will see a Haematology Consultant Clinical Scientist, who is a highly qualified member of the team with expertise in diagnosing blood disorders. As it is also a teaching clinic, a trainee may also be present. Please let a member of staff know if you do not wish them to be present.

Upon arrival at the Windmill Unit, you will need to report to the reception desk, and you will then be asked to wait in the waiting area. You will then have your height and weight measured by a Healthcare Assistant prior to seeing the consultant.

During the clinic appointment, the consultant will explain why you have been referred and will take a detailed clinical history before planning your investigations. This will be explained to you and there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions. Following the consultation, you will likely need blood tests which are done on the Windmill Unit directly after you have seen the consultant.

The day after your appointment your consultant will write a letter to the doctor who referred you (usually your GP). It will detail your consultation and include the preliminary test results with a plan for next steps. This may include other investigations such as a CT scan, ultrasound scan, or bone marrow biopsy. These will have been discussed with you during your appointment. The letter will be copied to you. This is a letter between healthcare professionals and will contain medical terminology that you may not understand, however the ‘plan’ section should be clear to you and will help you know what to expect next. It is sometimes necessary to recall you for further blood tests, but this is avoided wherever possible. Please note that some specialised tests may take weeks to be reported but be assured that your consultant will be checking this regularly. It is not necessary to call the department. It is also sometimes necessary to arrange further treatment or investigations on the Haematology Day Unit. This will be discussed with you if it is necessary.

Once all investigations are completed there will be a diagnosis or explanation for your abnormal blood test results in most cases. The majority of patients are not diagnosed with a blood or bone marrow condition and are discharged back to their GP with treatment and/or monitoring advice. You and everyone involved in your care will receive a letter detailing this.


If a blood or bone marrow condition is diagnosed, you will be referred to a medical consultant haematologist who will explain your diagnosis and offer treatment if required.


A lot of preparation goes into your appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact us to let us know, so that your appointment can be rearranged or offered to another patient. Please call the number on your appointment letter.