Children love to explore their environment and socialise with other children and adults within and outside the family, exposing them to minor illnesses or infections which in turn make then unwell.
Your Health Visitor service offers a preventative schedule of 8 Healthy Child Programme contacts to every family to assess their health and development, rather than an urgent care service. You may receive additional contacts dependant on the needs of your family, and with your consent, referrals, and joint working with other family services.
We will advise you of our team contact details during our visits should you have any general concerns about your child’s health development or behaviour. Several weekly regular well-baby/child clinics are offered across Blackpool. We are always happy to discuss child health and advise, however if your baby or child is unwell then calling NHS 111 or a GP appointment may be more timely or appropriate.
Online websites and resources are also helpful for parents in identifying and managing common illnesses including:
- (‘Parent Tips’ in the ‘Families’ section)
- Is your baby or toddler seriously ill? - NHS (
- Birth to five | HSC Public Health Agency (