How to search the disclosure log

Enter your keywords into the search box.

If there is a result matching your search, click the response number under "Title".

Title Description Requested Date Replied date
Response 07499 Acute kidney injury (AKI) care 15/01/2025 27/01/2025
Response 07500 NHS pharmacy aseptic services 16/01/2025 27/01/2025
Response 07510 Health Records EDMS 20/01/2025 27/01/2025
Response 07467 Filtering and Training Query 06/01/2025 23/01/2025
Response 07505 Trust Parking Management Contract 17/01/2025 21/01/2025
Response 07484 ACP's in emergency departments (ED) 13/01/2025 21/01/2025
Response 07493 PIFU & Virtual Wards 15/01/2025 21/01/2025
Response 07496 NHS Trust Incident Response Levels 15/01/2025 21/01/2025
Response 07480 Vaping incidents 08/01/2025 20/01/2025
Response 07439 Surveillance for men with prostate cancer 12/01/2025 20/01/2025
Response 07486 NHS ransomware attacks 14/01/2025 16/01/2025
Response 07136 ADHD & ASD Services 21/08/2024 31/10/2024
Response 07401 A&E waits from decision to admit to admission 26/11/2024 13/01/2025
Response 07443 New drugs 18/12/2024 13/01/2025
Response 07390 Mental health services & medication 22/11/2024 13/01/2025
Response 07472 Flexible endoscopes manual cleaning process 07/01/2025 13/01/2025
Response 07433 (2) Non- specialist Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) 11/12/2024 13/01/2025
Response 07460 Treatment for rheumatology with certain drugs 03/01/2025 07/01/2025
Response 07457 Alcohol Dependency Treatment Services 02/01/2025 07/01/2025
Response 07436 Elective surgery, surgical hubs and community diagnostic centres 11/12/2024 03/01/2025