How to search the disclosure log

Enter your keywords into the search box.

If there is a result matching your search, click the response number under "Title".

Title Description Requested Date Replied date
Response 07411 Nuclear medicine imaging system & SPECT/CT system 02/12/2024 11/12/2024
Response 07414 Numbers of children -Grommet Surgery 02/12/2024 12/12/2024
Response 07354 Care for babies with jaundice 13/11/2024 11/12/2024
Response 07418 Mortality Review System 03/12/2024 12/12/2024
Response 07369 Energy management 15/11/2024 12/12/2024
Response 07385 HIV PrEP and HIV Treatment 22/11/2024 10/12/2024
Response 07421 Radiology reporting 03/12/2024 10/12/2024
Response 07427 System to track prostate patients on care protocols 05/12/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07360 International nurses recruitment 13/11/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07393 Parkinsonian syndromes 25/11/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07339 Active surveillance for men diagnosed with prostate cancer 07/11/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07365 Use of artificial intelligence (AI) research purposes or routine operations 14/11/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07374 (2) Gastric emptying Protocol 19/11/2024 09/12/2024
Response 07344 Inventory management systems (IMS) 07/11/2024 29/11/2024
Response 07331 Number of HPB or Upper GI nurses 04/11/2024 29/11/2024
Response 07380 (2) Radiology Reporting Services 21/11/2024 29/11/2024
Response 07389 Unpaid bill for a chargeable patient 22/11/2024 26/11/2024
Response 07381 (2) Contact centre & inbound network services contract 21/11/2024 26/11/2024
Response 07313 Anaphylactic events 28/10/2024 25/11/2024
Response 07320 Contract renewal dates 01/11/2024 25/11/2024