A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

How does caring affect your life?

Although for many carers, caring can have positive and rewarding aspects, there are lots of reasons why caring can also leave you needing support.

Caring can have an impact on many aspects of your life — below we cover some of these topics, and how and where you can access support and information.

Useful links

Carers Trust

Blackpool Carers Centre

The Lancashire Carers Service n-compass

Dementia UK

Alzheimer’s Society

Herbert Protocol

There is nothing more frightening or distressing than when a loved one, friend, or neighbour fails to return when they should.

For people living with or caring for someone who has dementia, this could be quite common but there are things you can do to prepare for this and signing up to the Herbert Protocol is one of them.

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme being implemented by Lancashire Constabulary in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services and North West Ambulance Service.

It involves carers compiling useful information which could be used by Police and other agencies to search for and locate a loved one in the event of them going missing.

Carers, family members and friends complete the form in advance, giving all vital details including medication required, mobile numbers and places known to visit, along with a recent photograph.

Should that person then go missing, the form can be quickly and easily used to assist the search process.

Find out more on the Lancashire Police website.