We have two centres, one in Fleetwood (Pharos Street FY7 6BE) and one in Blackpool (Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FY3 8NR)

Please call 01253 955710 email bfwh.macmillan.info@nhs.net

Blackpool 9.30am – 4pm

Fleetwood 10am - 2pm

No, you can pop into any centre or you can contact us to make an appointment

Anyone affected by Cancer. This may be you as a patient or a family member / loved one

Yes we have four community support workers covering the whole of the Fylde Coast.

We would love you as a volunteer!  please call us to chat through what is available - 01253 955710

Just simply give us a call and we will chat with you around your options

Age UK

Age UK Lancashire is a local charity dedicated to helping all older people in Lancashire to lead valued and fulfilling lives. We provide many services including friendship and activity groups, home help, information and advice on a range of topics including welfare benefits and health issues. We also offer tailored insurance and home adaption products to benefit anyone over the age of 50.

Visit: www.ageuklancs.org.uk | Tel: 0300 303 1234

Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice Blackpool is a local charity. Their advisers offer legal advice that informs people on their rights and responsibilities. They also look at the issues that people come in to see them about and will challenge and campaign to bring about change where there are discriminatory, unfair or unjust practices and laws. Citizens Advice work is governed by four principles; their services are free, confidential, impartial and independent.

Visit: http://www.blackpoolcab.org.uk/ | Email: advice@blackpoolcab.org.uk

Department for Work and Pensions

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. As the UK’s biggest public service department it administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits to over 22 million claimants and customers.

Visit: www.dwp.gov.uk |  Tel: 0800 882 200

Blackpool Steps for Health

The scheme aims to encourage local residents to leave the sofa, stretch their legs and get some fresh air, as well as meet new friends. The main aim is to increase the amount of physical activity for people who would normally do little exercise and to assist with the challenge of meeting the recommended 30 minutes of moderate activity per day, 5 days a week. Ranging from 30 – 60 minutes the guided walks are around beautiful locations such as Stanley Park, Herons Reach, Martin Mere, and the Promenade.

Visit: www.walkingforhealth.org.uk | Email: sandra.thompson@blackpool.gov.uk | Tel: 01253 478007

Active Blackpool

The Active Blackpool team deliver a range of health and physical activity initiatives to help improve the lifestyles of people in Blackpool. Patients must be referred by health professionals – Your GP or Key Worker (Clinical Nurse Specialist).

Visit: https://www.blackpool.gov.uk/Residents/Sports-and-leisure/home/healthy-lifestyles/active-blackpool.aspx

Cancer Help (Vine / Croston)

Cancer Help aims to support cancer patients, their families and carers through the impact of cancer diagnosis, the effects of the disease and the effects of its treatment. To do so the charity offers a wide range of free services from simple advice and signposting to complementary therapies.

Both houses aim to offer services in a non-clinical environment, so that clients can feel that the house is a ‘home from home’.

Visit: www.cancerhelppreston.co.uk | Email: info@cancerhelppreston.co.uk | Tel: 01772 793344 (Vine House) / 01995 606469 (Croston House)

Trinity Hospice

The aim of Trinity Hospice is to achieve the best quality of life for patients by managing difficulties and providing support. Palliative Care is provided by many health care professionals, in hospital and at home. As part of an integrated palliative care service they can access other services to support patients when they are discharged from hospital, depending on their wishes and their needs.

Visit: www.trinityhospice.co.uk | Tel: 01253 358881


The Minds Matter service have dedicated teams of Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Cognitive Behavioural Therapists and Counsellors who offer a range of support to help you make positive changes to reduce stress, anxiety and improve your wellbeing. These include stress control classes, wellbeing workshops, group therapies, one to one support and telephone support.

We provide free services throughout Lancashire for anyone over the age of 16; we offer our services from health centres, GP practices, universities and local community settings.

Visit: www.lscft.nhs.uk/Mindsmatter | Tel: 01253 955943

Supporting Minds

Supporting Minds provides a range of talking therapies for people living in the Blackpool area. Members of the public who are feeling low and tearful, depressed, panicky, anxious or stressed can refer themselves to the service. Anyone who is worrying excessively, having trouble sleeping, feeling distressed and having repetitive thoughts can also self-refer.

Visit: www.bfwh.nhs.uk/our/services/community-services/supporting-minds | Tel: 01253 955700

The Linden Centre

The Linden Centre place a great emphasis on supporting you, your carer and your family at Trinity.

Their purpose built Linden Centre is here for anyone who feels anxious, stressed or overwhelmed by their illness. They can also help if anyone is struggling to cope after the loss of a loved one through a terminal illness. They strive to provide a compassionate and comfortable environment that enables users to find the support they are looking for.

Tel: 01253 595552 | Email: linden.centre@trintyhospice.co.uk

Blackpool Carers' Centre

Blackpool Carers' Centre is an independent, local charity and network partner of Carers' Trust. They provide a range of services to support and enhance the lives of unpaid carers of all ages throughout Blackpool and the Fylde coast.

Visit: www.blackpoolcarers.org | Email: admin@blackpoolcarers.org | Tel: 01253 393748.

Gentle Approach to Cancer Association

The services provided include complementary therapies, information on diet and lifestyle, with some one-to-one support available. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month at The Ribblebank Resource Centre.

Visit: www.gentleapproach.org.uk | Email: sutherland_colin@hotmail.com | Tel: Joan Moran on 01772 865024 / Colin Sutherland 01539 725394 / Ann Bucklow 01772 683317

(Telephone between 10am to 8pm for details of monthly meetings).


This service provides advocacy support, to listen to people to support them to prepare for and attend Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) health assessments. The advocate will go through what questions to expect at the assessment and draw out information about how their health condition impacts on their life. The advocate will empower the client and increase their confidence by helping them understand the process, to ensure that their voice is heard and help alleviate the stress and anxiety associate with their assessment. They support people at assessment centres in Blackpool, Preston, Lancaster, Burnley, Blackburn and Ormskirk.

Visit: www.i-cann.org.uk | Tel: 01772 900253

Lancashire Wellbeing Service

Lancashire Wellbeing Service is a free service offering short-term, practical support for Lancashire residents who may be struggling with issues affecting their happiness and health. Over a number of sessions, one of the service’s Wellbeing Workers will support the individual and encourage them to set realistic, achievable goals and take steps needed to stay well and maintain their independence for a better quality of life.

Visit: www.lancswellbeing.co.uk | Email: info@lancswellbeing.co.uk | Tel: 03450 138208

Age UK

Age UK provide a shopping, cleaning and home help service for clients as well as assistance to Doctor’s appointments and the collection of prescriptions if required. They can even walk someone’s dog for them, it is however a paid-for service. Information can be found on the leaflets or by calling them. They also have a Take Home and Settle Service based at the hospital and alongside this, they have the Discharge After Care Service.

Visit: www.ageuk.org.uk | Tel: 0800 055 6112

Look Good Feel Better

Many women can be devastated by the challenging side-effects of their cancer treatment, some of which can dramatically change their appearance and body image. Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) helps these women in a very practical and positive way with trained beauty consultant’s volunteering their time and expertise to help women with their skills.  The LGFB workshops are free and are held weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on each hospital's requirements and everybody is given a substantial gift bag of products to take home at the end of the session.

Visit: www.lgfb.co.uk | Email:  info@lgfb.co.uk | Tel: 01372 747500

Alternative Look Wigs

They have an extensive range of brands, styles and colours as well as experience in fitting, customisation and advice. They are there to help with the process of choosing a style that will help you feel and look your best throughout treatment, recovery and beyond.

Visit: www.alternativelook.co.uk | Tel: 01253 622270

Complementary Therapy

Complementary Therapy is primarily used to reduce stress and anxiety in patients suffering from cancer.

A 1:1 holistic assessment is carried out to ascertain what kind of treatment is preferred and appropriate for each patient which may involve aromatherapy, reflexology, breathing techniques / visualisation.

Complementary therapies can be instrumental in reducing anxiety and encouraging a positive outlook and feeling of wellbeing. Gentle massage can also help the patient relax, which eases the physical pain of their illness.

All complementary therapy is held in the Oncology Day Unit.

Tel: 01253 955710


They have been manufacturing a wide range of mastectomy bras and breast forms for over 20 years, so nobody knows them better than they do or can offer a better price. If you cannot find what you are looking for their experienced, friendly team will be pleased to offer advice or answer and queries you have.

Visit: www.silima.co.uk | Tel: 01295 220524

North West Fatigue Clinic.

They are a specialist service providing treatment and intervention for people suffering from fatigue. They specialise in treating people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS/ME, cancer-related ftigue and fatigue as a symptom of other medical conditions. Following an initial assessment, an experienced Therapist will work with you to create an individualised programme based on your specific needs.

Visit: www.northwestfatigueclinic.co.uk | Email: therapy@northwestfatigueclinic.co.uk | Tel: 01772 285155

The Cinnamon Trust

The Cinnamon Trust is the only specialist national charity for elderly people and their pets. The Trust’s primary aim is to keep the elderly and their pets together, in spite of any difficulties that may arise and to give owners peace of mind regarding the future of beloved pets that outlive them.

Visit: www.cinnamon.org.uk | Email: admin@cinnamon.org.uk | Tel: 01736 757900

Fylde Coast Breast Cancer Support Group

This group is a friendly place for people to meet others and provide support to each other. The group is often attended by guest speakers. Up and coming social events are planned and everyone is welcome. The support is extended to loved ones also affected by cancer. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at The Cube, 2 Breck Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7AA from 18:30.

Tel: 01253 955710 | Email: lucy.mitchell16@nhs.net


Phoenix Bowel Cancer Support Group

Our Phoenix Bowel Cancer Support Group is for bowel cancer patients, carers and family members giving support and information. We hold our regular meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the Macmillan Unit Blackpool Victoria Hospital. Our meetings are informal and informative with more than 30 regular members and support from the Colorectal Nurses. Whatever the stage of your treatment you are very welcome to come along.

Visit: www.phoenixgroupbvh.com | Email: phoenixbvh@aol.com | Tel: 01772 683790

Gynae Cann

This Gynaecological Cancer Support Group meets at Vine House on the third Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 9pm.

The group offers a supportive and informal environment to meet other women and have a chat over a cup of tea. We sometimes organise talks by health professionals or sessions such as relaxation or Look Good Feel Better.

Vine House, Cromwell Road, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6YB

For more information, please contact Emma on 07549 986 361 or gynaecan@gmail.com.

Visit: http://www.gynae-can.co.uk

Blackpool Gynaecological Support Group

The group meets on the last Wednesday of every month from 17:30-19:00 on The Windmill Suite. The group offers support to one another at any stage of cancer or treatment that you are receiving. We have a wide variety of age in the group – all are welcome.

Tel: 01253 953127

The Windpipers Group

A support group for laryngectomy patients and their carers. Monthly Third Wednesday 1.30pm to 3pm

Email: djwaddington@tiscali.co.uk | Tel: 07749884147 (Duncan Waddington)

The Swallows

We are the patient and carers' head and neck cancer support group based in Blackpool, Lancashire but now reaching out to all corners of the UK.  We reach out and offer fantastic support 24/7 and will signpost if that’s what you need. The charity is run by patients, carers, family and friends, so everyone understands the problems when you are diagnosed with head and neck cancer.

Visit: www.theswallows.org.uk | Email: info@theswallows.org.uk | Tel: 07504 725059

Blackpool and Fylde Haematology Support Group

A group providing support to those affected by all leukaemia, lymphatic cancer, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative neoplasms and aplastic anaemia. Support through befriending, cancer information materials, information, support from health professionals, telephone helpline, and provides disabled access.

Visit: www.leukaemiacare.org.uk | Email: care@leukaemiacare.org.uk | Tel: Nickey Bate on 08088 010 444 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)

Lymphoma Association

The Lymphoma Association is the UK’s only charity focused exclusively on providing specialist information and support to help lymphoma patients, their relatives, friends and carers. We help people feel less vulnerable, more confident and more in control, which helps them cope and deal with their treatment.

Visit: www.lymphomas.org.uk | Email: enquiries@lymphomas.org.uk | Tel: 01296 619400

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Support Group – Blackpool

Blackpool Independent Living Centre, 259 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, FY3 9JL. This group meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 1pm until 3pm.

Tel: 01253 303312

Prostate Cancer Support Group

We meet on the second Wednesday of every month 2:30-4pm to discuss all issues and all aspects of prostate cancer. This may include: raising public awareness of prostate cancer, signs and symptoms of the disease, help and advice available for individual/personal difficulties, the raising of funds to continue our role, arranging outings/activities or inviting relevant health professionals to talk about specific needs. Methods of diagnosis and treatments will be openly discussed with group members sharing their own experiences and journeys from diagnosis and treatment through to recovery.

Venue: Macmillan Windmill Unit, Blackpool Victoria Hospital, FY3 8NR

Email: brianjapp@yahoo.co.uk | Tel: 01253 697876

The Walnut Group

We are a Prostate Cancer Support Group based in the Preston and Central Lancashire area. We meet 6pm – 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month at Vine House, Cromwell Road, Preston where we offer information and support for those patients, carers, family and friends affected by prostate cancer.

Email: walnutgroup@hotmail.co.uk