Always seek guidance from a qualified health care professional before watching these videos to make sure they are appropriate for you.
Other useful websites
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy guidance for managing problems at home
- NHS website with guidance on some conditions that we treat in the MSK service
- Escape Pain is a self-help program for osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, or long standing lower back pain
- Smokefree Blackpool
- Guidance on living with diabetes
Local resources
- Blackpool Football Club Community Trust
- AFC Fylde Community Foundation
- Fleetwood Town Community Trust
- Active Blackpool
- Exercise Referral at Active Blackpool
- FYi Directory
- ManvFAT Football
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Cauda Equina Information
Leaflets about the MSK Service
- Versus Arthritis
- Physiotherapy Following Breast Reconstruction Surgery :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals