We provide services to patients who have had a stroke given that approximately 60% of stroke patients can have vision problems.  Visual problems following a stroke can increase the length of patients’ stay in hospital with an increased risk of falls and reduced independence. We offer a full orthoptic assessment, diagnosis, and management as required. If further investigation is needed, patients may be referred to ophthalmology.  

How to access this service: 

All patients admitted to the Acute Stroke and Rehab Unit (ASRU) with a diagnosis of stroke will automatically receive a vision screening and/ or an orthoptic assessment. However, if you are discharged before we have seen you on ASRU, you will be offered an outpatient appointment. Further follow-up may be required on discharge from the hospital in our outpatient clinics.

Please follow the links below for information on different conditions post-stroke and tips for managing the symptoms:  

1. Stroke and Neuro Rehabilitation - British and Irish Orthoptic Society 

Information leaflets are available on the following: 

  • Reduced vision
  • Visual field loss (peripheral vision loss) 
  • Visual inattention (loss of visual awareness)  
  • Visual perception defects  
  • Eye movement problems 
  • Web-based therapies (for ‘visual field loss’ and/ or ‘visual inattention/ neglect’)  
  • Driving and visual defects ​​​​​​​

2. Patient resources | Institute of Population Health | University of Liverpool 

The VISION group have developed a number of resources that are available free of charge to patients and their families/ carers.

3. Stroke-related eye conditions | RNIB 

The RNIB have provided a summary for stroke-related eye conditions. 

4. Vision problems after stroke | Stroke Association 

The Stroke Association have provided information on vision problems after a stroke and the help and support available.