Being a parent isn’t always easy and at times we can feel lost or confused about what our child may want. We can all wonder:
- What does my child want from me?
- Why are they behaving like this?
- Am I getting it right?
Circle Of Security Parenting is a Group for Parents & carers with children aged 2yrs -5yrs is a 8- 10-week group programme where you will meet other like minded parents with a welcome introductory session.
Each group session lasts for 1 ½ hours and you will need to arrange childcare.
Imagine being able to make sense of what you child is really asking from you. The Circle of Security Parenting™ is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be strengthened and supported. The program supports parents to:
- Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read their needs
- Support their ability to manage their own emotions
- Enhance the development of their self esteem
- Help your child to feel secure
- Notice the ways in which your child communicates their needs & feelings through behaviours.
- Acknowledge your childs specific needs and how you may meet these needs.
- Be curious and consider how your child is feeling and remember children cannot manage BIG feelings on their own.
- Helps parents to recognise & understand these feelings in order to be available for their children.
A professional who works with you will talk to you about the Circle of Security Parenting™
They will make a referral to Blackpool Parent Infant Relationship Service (PaIRS) and CAMHS who run the course together. A member of this COSP team will visit you and talk to you more about the course and complete some paperwork
Various venues across Blackpool – every school term