Alert (Warning)

Are you a patient? 

Do you carry an irradiated card or an NHSBT antibody card? 

Let your medical professional know ASAP so that they can communicate it to us!

The blood transfusion laboratory is located in the Pathology department at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we are committed to providing a range of specialist services to ensure safe and effective use of blood components for patients.  We are dedicated to providing a high quality, impartial, cost-effective service to our users.

Together with the Haematology Clinical Team and Transfusion Practitioner team we promote safe transfusion practice within the Trust.

The Blood Transfusion Laboratory maintains Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority compliance and is a UKAS accredited laboratory to ISO 15189:2012 standards for Medical Laboratories.  A link to our schedule of accreditation can be found here.

The laboratory participates in UK NEQAS external quality assurance schemes helping us to ensure that our test results are accurate, reliable and comparable.

We use Ortho VISION analysers which provide a fully automated system to test patient samples using BioVue cassette technology.  These are used to determine ABO and Rh(D) blood groups and to detect irregular antibodies of clinical significance in patient plasma.  Our highly skilled team also perform a range of manual investigations.

Our testing repertoire includes:

In some cases we may need to refer samples to NHS Blood and Transplant laboratories for testing.  They offer a range of specialised tests and can also perform more complex antibody investigations using extensive red cell panels.

Our nearest NHS Blood and Transplant Red Cell Immunohaematology laboratory is located in Liverpool.  They assist us by performing complex antibody investigations, antigen typing, antibody titres and quantification, FMH estimation by flow cytometry and cold agglutinin testing.

Barnsley NHS Blood and Transplant Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics laboratory perform HLA typing and HLA antibody identification testing.

Filton NHS Blood and Transplant International Blood Group Reference Laboratory perform foetal genotyping from maternal blood, molecular genotyping and granulocyte and platelet immunology testing.

Special Requirements for Blood Products

It is imperative that the blood transfusion laboratory is made aware of any patient who may require special requirements so that the Laboratory Information Management System can be updated.  For example, irradiated products, HLA matched platelets, patient with sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait.  Also ensure that this information is detailed on the request card.  The laboratory may not hold stocks of certain products therefor maximum notice is required.

Provision of blood products

Red cells are ordered from NHS Blood and Transplant who rely on donations from members of the public.

In addition to the provision of red cells by electronic issue and serological crossmatch the laboratory also provides uncrossmatched red cell units for use in emergency situations.  Such units are group O RhD Negative with the Rh/K phenotype CDE-K-.  Issuing group O red cells avoids major ABO incompatibility, however, there is still a risk of a transfusion reaction if the patient has atypical antibodies.

Such units should only be used in a genuine emergency as only 13% of NHS Blood and Transplant donors are group O Rh D Negative.

It is essential that samples are taken from the patient as soon as possible, and preferably before administration of emergency red cells, so that the laboratory can establish the patients blood group and provide group specific products.

It is also extremely important that the laboratory is informed immediately of the requirement for emergency units so that this precious resource can be replaced and be available for the next emergency.

Our emergency issue units are uncrossmatched but are provided with traceability paperwork which MUST be completed with the details of the transfusion and the full details of the patient to whom it has been transfused.  This allows us to maintain a full traceability audit trail.

Platelets are also supplied by NHS Blood and Transplant from donors. 

Platelet units have a much shorter shelf life than red cells, therefore we order them from NHS Blood and Transplant on a named patient basis.  We keep a small number onsite for use in emergency situations.

We ask that the laboratory is contacted by telephone as soon as a request for platelets is anticipated.  This allows adequate time for ordering from NHS Blood and Transplant.  The patient must have a current group and antibody screen sample with a confirmed blood group to allow issue of group specific platelets. Requests must meet the Trust’s indications for use.

FFP is supplied by NHS Blood and Transplant and is stored below -25oC to maintain the integrity of labile coagulation factors and as such has a much longer shelf life than red cells.  The product is thawed in 20 minutes using plasma thawers upon request.  The patient must have a current group and antibody screen sample with a confirmed blood group to allow issue of group specific platelets. Requests must meet the Trust’s indications for use.

The laboratory also holds a small stock of solvent detergent FFP.  Please discuss requirements for this product with the Haematology Clinical team and give maximum notice if required.  It may be necessary for the laboratory to order additional stocks.

Cryoprecipitate is also supplied by NHS Blood and Transplant and stored below -25oC.  It is thawed in the same manner as FFP and is used to replace fibrinogen. The patient must have a current group and antibody screen sample with a confirmed blood group to allow issue of group specific platelets. Requests must meet the Trust’s indications for use.

The laboratory holds stocks of human albumin solution which can be issued by the laboratory upon receipt of a completed blood transfusion request form for a patient.  The request must meet the Trust’s indications for use and must include the percentage and volume required.

The laboratory holds stocks of 500 IU and 1500 IU anti-D immunoglobulin. This product is used during pregnancy to aid prevention of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn in subsequent pregnancies. Rhesus negative women may develop antibodies when the fetus is Rhesus positive.  When patients present for pregnancy booking appointment a group and antibody screen sample is taken.  Women who are Rhesus D negative without a history of immune anti-D are offered 1500 IU anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis at 28 weeks.  Should the patient present with a sensitising event additional anti-D is issued.  The dose depends upon the sensitising event, and the result of Kleihauer investigations where gestation is 20 weeks or greater.  BSH Guidelines for the use of anti-D immunoglobulin for the prevention of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn offers more information.

Anti-D immunoglobulin can only be issued be the laboratory upon receipt of a written blood transfusion request card detailing the product and dose.  A current group and antibody screen must be available.

PCC or Octaplex is used as a treatment of bleeding and peri-operative prophylaxis of bleeding in acquired deficiency of the prothrombin complex coagulation factors, such as deficiency caused by treatment with vitamin K antagonists, or in case of overdose of vitamin K antagonists, when rapid correction of the deficiency is required.  Requests must be telephoned to the laboratory to allow request checklists to be completed.  In some cases, the request must be discussed with the on-call Haematology Clinical team. The product can only be labelled upon request of a completed blood transfusion request card with full patient details, product and dose required.  The laboratory holds stocks of 500 IU and 1000 IU.

The laboratory holds a number of other clotting factor concentrate products.  Please contact the laboratory to discuss availability.  All requests for such products must be authorised by the Haematology Clinical team.  In some instances, a patient may be under the care of Manchester Haemophilia Centre.  Products may be transferred to the hospital blood transfusion laboratory for such patients.  The laboratory still requires a completed blood transfusion request card in order to issue the product.

Please click here for Factors Affecting Blood Transfusion Results :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals

Need some help?

For advice relating to blood transfusion tests or blood product provision contact the blood transfusion laboratory on 01253 953746 or 953747.

For clinical advice please contact the on-call Haematology Clinical Team via Trust switchboard by calling 01253 300000.

For more information on blood transfusion visit the following websites:
Home - NHS Blood and Transplant (

Home - NHS Blood Donation

Patient Information - Serious Hazards of Transfusion (