The Trust has a dedicated phone number which is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for patients or their relatives when they have serious concerns for their welfare and want to get a clinical update and reassurance.

If you have a concern already raised with the Patient relations team please contact them directly on 01253 955588

Feel like no one is listening

Steps to take if you feel that one of our healthcare team is not recognising your concern...

  1. In the first instance please speak to the nurse in charge, ward manager or area matron if you have a concern about someone's care. Let us know if you need some clarity or just don’t feel listened to.
  2. After speaking to the healthcare team, if you still have concerns about patient safety or think someone may be harmed, contact our dedicated HELP phone number... 01253 955305
  3. Get answers you need, A senior nurse will respond to your call within 30 minutes. They will then provide feedback and attend within an agreed timescale. Please be reassured, using this service will NOT have a negative effect on a patient’s care in any way.

How to make a call for Concern:

Call us with your concern: 01253 955305

You’ll need:

  • The patient’s name
  • The ward they are on
  • A brief description of the problem
  • Your contact details and relationship to the patient

A senior nurse will respond to your call within 30 minutes.

If you are concerned about a noticeable change or deterioration in a patient’s condition, please let us know. If you have already spoken to the ward team or community healthcare team about it and are still concerned, there is a support service available that provides adult inpatients, their families, and their friends.

Other ways to raise a concern include through our patient relations team.

If you feel your concerns have not been addressed and resolved, please contact the Patient and Family Relations Team on 01253 955588 or email

Please be reassured, using this service will NOT have a negative effect on a patient’s care in any way. Nobody knows your healthcare needs or those of your loved ones, better than you and your family and because of this we recognise that you may sometimes see that something is wrong before our healthcare team does.

All staff in NHS trusts must have 24/7 access to a rapid review from a critical care outreach team, who they can contact should they have concerns about a patient.

All patients, their families, carers, and advocates must also have access to the same 24/7 rapid review from a critical care outreach team, which they can contact via mechanisms advertised around the hospital, and more widely if they are worried about the patient’s condition