Our Trust has a robust complaints management procedure to make sure that complaints are properly investigated and monitored so that we can learn how we can improve our services.
The Trust’s complaints procedure follows the national NHS complaints procedure and gives clear guidance to staff on how to deal with formal and informal complaints, so they operate with transparency, openness and in collaboration with the complainant to address their issues and provide detailed answers which are full, frank and honest.
The procedure ensures that:
- All complaints are reviewed for seriousness of consequence on receipt
- All staff are familiar with the standards of conduct expected and individual roles and responsibilities when dealing with complaints
- No patient or their representative will experience any adverse action or discrimination as a result of making a complaint and relevant equalities legislation are followed
- Integrated working practices are in place to deal with complaints which span across both acute and community healthcare sectors of the Trust and across divisions
- An action plan will be completed for all complaints, evidencing practical changes and progress to complainants