Dental health is an important aspect of a child’s overall health status and of their school readiness.

Poor dental health impacts not just on the individual’s health but also their wellbeing and that of their family.

Children who have toothache or who need treatment may have pain, infections and difficulties with eating, speech, sleeping, low self-esteem, and difficulty socialising. Approximately 23% of 5-year-olds have tooth decay when they start school. Children who have toothache or who need treatment may have to be absent from school and parents may also have to take time off work to take their children to a dentist or hospital.

All children should be registered with a dentist. If your child is not registered with a dentist and you are struggling to find a dentist who is taking on new patients, you can contact the dental helpline on 0300 1234010 for assistance,

If you move house or change your phone number before you have been allocated a dentist, then please inform the dental helpline, so that they can contact you as soon as possible.

Visit the Taking Care of Childrens Teeth page (NHS) for information about how to look after your child’s teeth.

Has your health practitioner asked you today?

  • Do you have a dentist?
  • Do you have a toothbrush?
  • Do you have a healthy diet?
  • Do you know how to access the emergency dentist?

Contact school nurses for advice and information:
Telephone: 01253 951740

Top tips for health teeth

  • Brush for two minutes, at least twice a day (last thing at night, and another time)
  • Spit, don't rinse, after you've finished brushing (so the fluoride stays in your mouth longer, protecting your teeth)
  • Check your toothpaste has at least 1,350ppm of fluoride
  • While brushing, try not to swallow the toothpaste. Spit, don't rinse
  • Milk and water are the safest drinks for teeth
  • Try and limit sugary snacks to mealtimes
  • Supervised brushing can help improve your child's oral health.

Dental Access Service and Emergency Dentist information: 0300 1234 010.