Just like adults, children and young people feel worried and anxious at times. But if your child’s mental health is starting to affect their wellbeing, they may need some help to overcome it.
The School Nurse is available to see your child in school to offer support if required. If you would like to arrange this, you can let a teacher at your child’s school know and we will arrange an appointment to see them. We also offer a drop-in service which your child can access. School staff will be able to provide you with information about the days and times of drop-ins at your child’s school. To access this service, your child won’t need an appointment as they are able to call in and see the School Nurse without needing an appointment.
You can also contact us directly without your child’s school knowing, please see the how to contact us section.
If your child needs additional support and needs someone to talk to, they can attend the YoutherapY drop-in service which is held on Wednesdays 3-6pm at:
1st floor, 26 Talbot Road, Blackpool, FY1 1LF
The service can be contacted on 0800 121 7762 (option 3)
Blackpool CAMHS can be contacted on 01253 957160. CASHER (CASHER - Child & Adolescent Support & Help Enhanced Response) Support is available 7 days a week for children and young people Mon-Fri 5-10pm Sat/Sun 10am-8pm by texting or phoning 07810 696 565.
As a parent, it is important to be aware of services children and young people can access if they are experiencing mental health problems, as you are in an ideal position to offer this information to your child. Some useful organisations you may wish to make a note of are listed below:
- Kooth - online emotional and mental wellbeing support for online chat
- PAPYRUS - Suicide Prevention for young people9am to midnight, every day
- The Mix - Essential support service for under 25s.
- 0808 808 4994
- The Mix website for 1-2-1 chat or messenger Support with any issue from health to money, homelife, relationships or drugs
- Samaritans Helpline - Open all hours
- Call 116 123
- Email jo
@samaritans.org - Samaritans website
- Childline - 0800 1111
- Childline website for 1-2-1 counsellor chat or email service, or Ask SamSupport service for children and young people for any worries
- Young Minds
- Anna Freud
As a parent or guardian, it can be difficult to support children and young people who are experiencing poor mental health or wellbeing. For further advice and guidance please visit the Parents and Carers page on the Anna Freud website.
Young Minds also offer a parent helpline and webchat which can be accessed by visiting the Young Minds Parent page.
Do you have concerns about a young person’s emotional health and wellbeing? Are you a young person or parent/carer and want to know where you can get support for young people’s emotional mental health?
A PMHW is a mental health practitioner who is part of the CAMHS service. PMHW drop – in is a confidential space to discuss worries and concerns and can signpost to the correct service to support with your current concern, and, get the help needed. A PMHW can also link in with schools and services to work together.
Follow this link to PMHW drop-ins each week: Primary Mental Health Worker - FYi Directory
CASHR hold mental health drop – in sessions for young people aged 10 to 16. Do you have worries abut your emotional health and wellbeing? This may include:
- Feeling anxious
- Experiencing low mood
- Struggling with overwhelming thoughts and feelings
- Needing to talk to someone
The drop-ins provide a safe, comfortable space where you can chat to experienced mental health professionals. You can come on your own or with a friend/parent.
Fylde drop-ins
- Fylde Youth Zone Kirkham, Chillies Youth Group – Wednesday fortnightly 6.30pm to 8.30pm
- Sydney Street Neighbourhood Ctr St Annes, Chillies Youth Group – Thursday fortnightly 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Blackpool drop-ins
- Palatine South Family Hub – Tuesday 6pm to 8pm
- Youtherapy, Talbot Road – Wednesday 3pm to 6pm
Wyre Drop – In
- Zone in Wyre, Milton Street, Fleetwood – Wednesday 6pm to 8pm