The Specialist Weight Management Service (SWMS) will accept referrals from a healthcare professional for patients who meet the following inclusion criteria;
- BMI 35-40/m2 with obesity related co-morbidities
- BMI >40kg/m2
- Aged 16 or over
Due to commissioning arrangements the Specialist Weight Management Service is unable to accept patients who meet any of the following criteria;
- BMI <35kg/m2
- BMI<40kg/m2 without obesity related co-morbidities
- Paediatric patients (under 16yrs)
- Patients who have received any weight loss surgery within the past two years
- Patients who have received NHS funded weight loss surgery >two years ago will be offered an annual review appointment and are unable to access the full service
- Patient who have previously been in service and have either; completed, left the pathway early or have disengaged from the service, who are seeking to re-enter will not be eligible within six months of discharge.