Once a swallowing assessment has been completed, modified texture diet and/or fluids may be recommended to reduce the risk of food/drink going the wrong way. The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (below) is used when making these recommendations.
Thickened fluids are used when a person has difficulty swallowing drinks. However, they must only be used when recommended by a Speech and Language Therapist or Doctor. It is important to remember that thickened fluids may not necessarily stop the risk of the drink going the wrong way (aspiration).
There are different levels of thickness that can be recommended. It is very important to know which level of thickness has been recommended. It is also vital to follow the manufactures mixing instructions carefully to ensure that the drink is thickened to the correct consistency. Please watch this video (link https://
- Level 0: thin fluids: Microsoft Word - 0_Thin_p1_Adult_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 1: Slightly thickened Fluids Microsoft Word - 1_Slightly Thick_Adult_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 2: Mildly Thickened Fluids Microsoft Word - 2_Mildly Thick_Adults_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 3: Moderately thickened fluids Microsoft Word - 3_Moderately Thick_Adults_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 4: Extremely thickened fluids Microsoft Word - 4_Extremely Thick_Adults_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
Modified diet consistencies are used when a person has difficulty swallowing food eg: difficulty chewing, coughing when swallowing harder/drier foods.
There are different levels of food textures that can be recommended. It is very important to know which level of modified diet has been recommended and to follow the IDDSI guidelines below to ensure the person’s food is the correct consistency:
- Level 7: Regular diet Microsoft Word - 7_Regular_Adults_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 7: Regular diet easy to chew diet Microsoft Word - 7_Easy to Chew_p1_Adult_pg1 and 2_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 6: Soft and bite-sized diet Microsoft Word - 6_Soft & Bite-Sized_p1_Adult_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 5: Minced and moist diet Microsoft Word - 5_Minced & Moist_p1_Adults_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 4: Smooth Pureed diet Microsoft Word - 4_Pureed_p2_Adults_food to AVOID page_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)
- Level 3: Liquidised diet Microsoft Word - 3_Liquidised_Adults_p1_consumer handout_30Jan2019.docx (iddsi.org)