This course is intended for people over the age of 16 experiencing stress or mild to moderate anxiety or depression.  It may not be the best intervention for you if you have another mental health diagnosis such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder or Personality Disorder. In this instance, please contact our team on 01253 955577 to discuss alternative options. 

Blackpool Talking Therapies are not an emergency or crisis service. Therefore, if you are having thoughts of harming yourself that you feel you may act upon please see our urgent crisis support page. 

Name of webinar Dates  Time

Managing Anxiety and Worry 

Wednesday, 5 February 


Overcoming Low Mood 

Monday, 9 June 


Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Monday, 17 February

Monday, 12 May

1pm - 1.45pm

Sleep and Relaxation


Tuesday, 6 March 


1pm – 1.45pm    

Building Resilience and Wellbeing

Friday, 9 May

10am – 10:45am

Menopausal Wellbeing

Friday, 24 January 

Wednesday, 9 April

10am – 10.45am

Men’s Wellbeing 

Friday, 13 June


Webinar course Required

Please note only one treatment course or webinar can be accessed at a time. Following completion you can then register for another.

Address Required
Can we leave a voice mail on this number
Can we send text messages to this number
Are you employed by Blackpool Teaching Hospitals?
Are you having thoughts of harming yourself that you feel you may act upon?

Blackpool Talking Therapies are not an emergency or crisis service. Therefore, if you answer YES, a member of our team will call you prior to the webinar starting to undertake a detailed risk assessment and to signpost you to services that will be able to offer support.


During the course you will be sent some questionnaires to complete via email. It is          essential you complete these.  Please complete them as outlined in the email you will receive.

Please complete them on the day you attend the session, they will only take you a few minutes.