Physiotherapy is the treatment of physical problems caused by accidents, illness and ageing. Treatment is mainly focused on physical problems that affect the muscles, bones, heart, circulation and lungs.
Physiotherapy helps to alleviate pain, restore normal movement and function and return the body to its natural balanced state without the use of medication or drugs. Central to this is the patient taking an active role in realising the social, cultural and psychological factors that will help them to be as independent and active as possible.
Physios play a large role in rehabilitating people after illness or accidents. Health education, aimed at preventing disease and injury, is also an important part of their work.
- Outpatients
- Intensive Care
- Women’s health
- Care of Elderly
- Stroke patients
- Orthopaedics
- Mental illness
- Occupational Health
- People with learning difficulties
- Paediatrics
- Community
- Surgical wards
- Medical wards